


If you know me at all, you know my love for natural remedies, especially essential oils. I use them for just about everything. From additives to all my at home beauty concoctions, as a perfume and most often for health reasons.

Many people believe that best way to cure a headache is by popping a few Tylenol. If you’re more holistic, drinking a large glass of water can have similar effects (still drink the water no matter what!). I am a firm believer in the powers of essential oils. I turn to these magical remedies for all my at home pharmaceutical needs. In addition to being a much healthier option, you wouldn’t believe how much cheaper it is too!

Good for the bank, good for me, good for the earth and beats all those grueling pharmaceutical companies. Count me in!

Most people turn to harsher drugs in order to combat their everyday pain and discomfort. Someone who takes Morphine every day for pain will not feel the effects of Tylenol. It may take some time for your body to adjust to the healing properties of these much more natural remedies.

The thing I love most about these beautiful herbs is that you can gain the health benefits in a number of different ways. The most convenient way is to purchase the essential oils that often come combined with a number of different scents to produce a desired benefit. These are great but if you are on a tight budget, or enjoy experimentation, there are much more affordable ways.

Grow your own herbs!

Once you know which herbs work well for you growing them becomes an affordable alternative. It helps that they are one of the easiest things to grow. Herbs, like peppermint, can be grown in a mason jar in your kitchen while calming scents like lavender and chamomile require some more space. If you have never tried using peppermint for a headache you should try it. The cooling sensation you get when applying it is enough to distract you from the pain you are experiencing.

I am obsessed with Saje! Myles and I both use their pocket pharmacy in our everyday life as a cure all end all.

Any chance to support smaller, natural farming style businesses rather than a big corporation I am all over. Much to Myles dismay I have decided to start growing a small herb garden with all of our extra square footage in our van. Some simple herbs we use everyday for both cooking and health. Stay tuned, lets see how this goes!

Note: This is not a sponsored post, all thoughts are my own and all brands are tried and tested by myself.


Have you experimented with essential oils? What do you find works best for you?



Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links which means we may get a commission if you make a purchase. Our opinions are our own and we only share what we believe you’ll find helpful. We also use all the products that we have links to. You can even see them in the photos we post.