
We had many fears, many doubts about this trip. Well, we have them still but every single day that passes those fears get smaller and our excitement gets bigger. In about a week we no longer have a home address which only magnifies every feeling. Our “bring” pile seems to get cut in half every day as we realize how little of what we once filled our home with actually matters. Having only gone camping for weeks at a time (at the most) we can only guess at what we will need but it is extremely important to both of us that this doesnt feel like a temporary camping trip but feels like our life.


Living with three dogs and two humans in about 80 sqft leaves us with about 16sqft each. With an ever encroaching fear of claustrophobia we have decided to do quite a few test runs to help get us,  and our dogs, acclimatized to our new life. After our first hour our fears completely evaporated, leaving behind only excitement. We are all able to walk around and find places to sit without tripping over each other. Our biggest fears were about how our dogs would handle this trip. We can’t sit them down and explain what’s happening, making them nervous and shaking especially seeing their dog beds being sold. But like any move, they’re being showered with treats, love and reassurance that we are bringing them all with us. They have now become very comfortable in the van and while we see us spending the majority of our time in the mountains and out of the van, it is very comforting to know how adaptable they have been.

Now all that’s left to do is go explore.


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