


The date is set, our van is in the shop, our notice has been given, we are selling our possessions. There is a lot of worrying, excitement, and anxious time that goes on behind the scenes. Preparing for life out of a van is a mixture of every emotion. There is so much unknown that you are overcome with feelings you never felt before. Much like weeks before you’re about to fly away to an unknown land, the feelings are overwhelming.


There has been some hurdles we have had to overcome. From our hearts telling us this is right, our head telling us this is not possible and our dogs panicked about us packing, our house being in shambles. Imagine having to sell pretty much everything you have accumulated in your life, sounds stressful right? Now imagine having to sell it all in only 30 short days. Yes, spontaneity sounds fun, but the unromantic reality sets in when you are scrambling to sell/donate/throw away almost everything in your 2 bedroom apartment in order to down size to life in around 50 sqft. The reality of your prized possession getting a quarter of what you value it, knowing you can’t bring it with you.


With still having three vehicles, and a house full of stuff we can’t bring with us we have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it. On top of that, worrying about where money will come from and getting our van back in time before we have to leave our basement suite. Trying to focus on the positive and good has been our everyday struggle. Breaking down what we have to accomplish into smaller pieces has been key. Yes, we’ve gotten overwhelmed. Yes, we’ve broken down. Yes, we’ve become closer than ever. No one told us it was going to be easy, but you better believe it will be worth it!

In these stressful times we love hearing from you! Please don’t hesitate to message us. Much love.