


We get asked “Where are you going next?” almost every day. Usually, we respond with “We have no idea!”. But secretly we always have a list of upcoming destinations. We told you — we can’t sit still.

So, we decided to make it a new tradition every year to write down our yearly travel plans. But here’s the kicker: GO OUT AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Here is a sneak peak of all the countries we plan to conquer this year. The list isn’t small, but what can I say, we are dreamers. I CANNOT WAIT to review this list in December to see how we make out with this list. Our life is never turns out how we predict. This list will evolve, and more than likely grow, as time goes on. I expect this list to look a bit different in the end.

Pour yourself a glass of wine and get comfortable because I am dreaming big here people!

Spainworld, spain, travel, flight, castle, country side

While I have never explored Barcelona, it has my whole heart. From the salsa dancing, the stunning beaches to the delicious food – I mean SIESTAS PEOPLE… this place literally dedicates a country wide nap… that is something I can definitely get behind!

I have only heard good things about the sights in Madrid. The shopping, the architecture… this whole country just seems like a dream. What I am truly most excited for though is the countryside. I have dreams of renting a bicycle and just exploring the streets (aka, getting ridiculously lost). I am definitely going to have to brush up on my high school Spanish and educate my palate to some Spanish wines.


explore, germany, flight, travel, oktoberfest That is right people, I plan to cross enjoying Oktoberfest in Munich right off my bucket list. Myles went to Germany right after high school and absolutely loved it. He has been dying to go back ever since, and I couldn’t be more on board. Myles is incredibly interested in WWII history so I plan to get a full history tour from him, when we aren’t beer in hand enjoying the Oktoberfest shenanigans. I will admit that I am nervous to be in Germany in winter but I am just thinking LAYERS on LAYERS.


explore, portugal, flight, travel, sand, sun

If you haven’t already, Google beaches in PortugalAMIRIGHT!!! Ya, that is just something I HAVE TO BE A PART OF! The colour in this country looks so vibrant it is a must see for me!

As a bonus, due to how ‘far away’ Portugal is (in European standards… I am used to driving through Canada though..) it is far less tourist based than other European countries. This means cheaper prices and a rich culture. Ok by me 😉


explore, france, flight, travel, sand, sun

Nearly every single day Myles is forced to listen to me all but beg for us to run away to the south of France. While my love of wine definitely has something to do with it, the warm sun, the delicious food and the stunning coast has much more (well, not MUCH more…). I have this beautiful dream of me enjoying a breakfast on a balcony overlooking the water.

Well, this WILL HAPPEN this year.


explore, italy, flight, travel, sand, sun

I went to Rome when I was in high school and let’s just say it was an absolute whirlwind. From tours through Vatican City and the Colosseum, to enjoying the unbelievable food. I only have good memories. I loved it so much that I can’t wait to explore it with Myles.

Last time I was only there for a couple of days on a layover (yet another reason I recommend extended layovers) which has given me an undeniable urge to go back.

Italy has countless places in which I want to explore. The scuba diver in me is mostly pushing for Sicily. Exploring through these crystal clear tropical waters is an absolute must.


explore, morroco, flight, travel, sand, sun

This one is at the top of the must see list for both Myles and I. Although realistically we know we may have to wait until 2019 to conquer this beautiful land. I truthfully don’t know how I will keep myself from buying everything I see. The rich colours, the beautiful boho style… BOOK ME A TICKET! This is one area where I would love to partake in the full glamping experience in the middle of the Sahara desert.

Well, there you have it. My beautiful, albeit ambitious, travel plans for 2018. This is just a brief update about our plans for this year. Trust us, we are madly researching and putting pieces together to make all of this happen ;).

Alright Myles, let’s get started.. 🙂

What countries are on your to do list for this year? We love hearing about your ideas and suggestions!